
Chantal Pape

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« My parents are available a firm one. You can stage a small coup. And that’s all there is to it.” Et c’est ainsi qu’Étienne Le Roux, licensed by Staps en poche et not a question of agricultural environment, look back at the center of the Saint-Ségal formation (29), for a BPREAcertified profession of responsible agricultural exploitation, in anticipation of salary Finest replacement and Partag’emploi.

Gerer seul

While the trail is long, the installation as a farmer is lazy a toujours paru as a piece of evidence. « Ce qui me plaît ? On est tous les jours dehors. It’s nice, if I’m right. Traveling with the animals, the machines… C’est varié. J’aime bien travailler seul, it is true that you fais. And it is free for the organizer to go on a trip. Your journey between mating and soir, and entre les deux, je fais ce que je veux ».

A package group

Once you are on the trail, contact PAI, install the battery system and register the RDI, le répertoire départ installation. « Je suis originaire de Brest, mon épouse de Quimper. Op voulait trouver quelque chose entre les deux ». A strong function with a package group, with fair routes, “and with a piece on the route”. Show the exploitation of their good parents? “If you want to combine your pro and your person, don’t pour soucis”.

Il visite une première ferme, à Cast. « If you are a marche dans l’étable, les tracteurs étaient vieux… you are not emballé ». The visit to a second exploitation is nothing more than satisfaction. « All in all ». Pas plus qu’une troisième, « trop eccentric ». It is one of the things that you can propose to revive on the premiere.

Bâtiment lay
Faced with an exploitation of the representation, the project porters will acquire their property rights and carry out its reproduction in the same way as the transfer. ©Photo d’illustration

A firm “qui tourne”

Avg 60 hectares the SAU, elle détient 40 laitières, for a production of 360,000 liters. « The level d’étable était élevé, le coût alimentaire failed au vu du level of production. C’était a firm qui tourne, with good economic results. And besides, if you use old pierres, you will see me as a retaper. Et un copaine, à 5 minutes de là, pourrait m’aider ».

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Etienne se décide finalement pour cette ferme et le installation file suit in the following way: contact a central comptable, to realize a preparatory etude, and two benches, history of the comparator. «L’une connaissait la ferme. The location is a place where you can find a ruin ».

If you get cancer, you stop working and suffer salary sur l’exploitation pendant 4 mois, avant d’enchaîner by a contrat de parrainage the 12 months. “Beaucoup trop long”, confirmed by the recul. Moreover, the protocol is not a sign of a thing of the past. « Entre-temps, le prix du lait a augmenté. Le cédant also voulu augmenter son prix… ». Son Council? « Sign the protocol for the suite: a conversation with the highest priority ».

A bonne dynamic agriculture

A peu plus the corn, a peu plus the vaches and an intensification, a second racleur to simplify the work, the new logettes for the comfort of the animals: by installation, Etienne n’a newly changed major choice about the exploitation. « You are on the small mountain of Châteaulin, a part that you are connoisseurs. Mon voisin est a jeune qui vient de installer. A person plus loin, I am once during the installation… I have a dynamic agricultural sector in the sector, which motivates the most ». If he has lost his working relationships with his environment, Etienne can compter his voisins.

Seule ombre au tableau: le père du cédant, age de 90 ans, vit toujours sur l’exploitation. « if you don’t want to relax anymore, you can spend more hours on the farm. It’s complicated d’avoir un tiers à côté ».

Les cédants du mal à faire le deuil de leur ferme. Once you get past your career, you can move on with your life. Consider the changes to the house when the operation is transferred.

Rose-Marie Derrien, transmission advisor at the Chamber of Agriculture

Honest face

« Il ne faut pas avoir peur de se lancer », Étienne confirms. « If you want a banquet, that’s it to trust ». It is not necessary to register personnel. «J’ai garde mes economies. If you have a problem, you can get an honest face ».

« The fire of my profession »

Satisfaction with the rhythm of labor, 7 am – 6 pm, has returned once to be free for two of the next 4 days, and faisant appel à Finistère replacement. Are these objectives? « It’s a tough job, If you experience the temperature for your family, the content of all your work during the day ». And your income? “Oui, it’s a mistake… But it’s just what you made.”

Les chiffres-clés de l’installation en Brittany

Gradually, 432 agricultural and agricultural enterprises have been installed in Brittany with the aids, a reduction over a longer period could reach 482 installations in 2022 and 507 in 2021.
It may have happened 30 years ago. And the candidates are still more than 50% of installers outside the family framework, 50% in 2023 against 47% in 2022, and when it comes to the agricultural environment, 45% are over, 42% are an upgrade.
Women represent 30% of new installations.
Organic agriculture and the circuits interact with each other, accounting for 39 and 34% of the files respectively.
The SAU average is 77 ha with very large variations in production: if the maraîchères are competent, in average, 8 ha, the spécialisés of the heights, lait or porc, avoid 120 ha, loins of the high levels, 43 ha .
If the differences between the departments persist, production remains predominant, with a level of installations in Morbihan and Finistère, 43% in Côtes-d’Armor and 62% in Ille-et-Vilaine. Juste Derrière, the maraîchage fluctuates between 15% of files in Ille-et-Vilaine to 23% in Côtes-d’Armor, against 18% in Finistère and 20% in Morbihan. Pig production, an installation in 10 in Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor, represents 3% of the files in the two other Brittany departments.

Pascal Le Cam and Etienne le Roux were born on November 21 on Pleyben (29) within the framework of the Quinzaine of the installation transmission, organized in the four Breton departments in the Chamber of Agriculture.

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